Sairam. With the Divine Grace of our Master Sri Sathya Sai Baba, the holy event of Mahashivaratri was celebrated in a very splendid and grand manner with Bhakthi and love for Lord Sai Shiva. The programme was commenced with the Ekadasa Rudra Parayanam which included the chanting of the Sri Rudram with Namakam 11 times with 1 Anuvaka of Chamakam each time. Lingabhishekam was performed by the students simultaneously. Soulful singing of Lingashtakam and Bilvashtakam were offered at the Divine Lotus Feet. The Assembly team offered a melodious medley of Shiva Sai Bhajans. After Praasadam distribution, the Akhanda Bhajan commenced at 10:00 pm and continued till 6:00 am on the next day. Each class was given an hour slot during which garlands of Sai Bhajans were offered by the students at the Lotus Feet.

The Hostel Staff also took part in this Sadhana in their own allocated time. At 6 am in the morning on the next day, after listening and repeating a Bhajan sung by Swami, the Akhanda Bhajan was concluded with Mangala Aarthi. Director Sri P.Kumarasamy, Correspondent Sri S.Loganathan lead the celebrations from the front.

Mahashivaratri Puja lead by Correspondent Sri S.Loganathan


Students engaged in chanting Ekadasa Rudra Parayanam


Lingabhishekam performed by the students


Lingabhishekam performed by the students


Lingabhishekam performed by the students


Lingabhishekam performed by the students


Lingabhishekam performed by the students


Decorated Lingam after the Lingabhishekam


Flute Recital – Lingashtakam


Managala Arathi performed by Correspondent Sri S.Loganathan


Akhanda Bhajan (Bhajan singing throughout the night)

Mangala Arathi performed by Deputy Warden Sri Sreehari

Jai Sairam